On September 22, Alberta constitutional lawyer Leighton Grey of Grey Wowk Spencer LLP, a firm that has helped the jab free many times in legal cases, filed the lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs in federal court.
The lawsuit specifically names Canada’s Attorney General as well as His Majesty the King in Right of Canada as defendants. Overall, the lawsuit claims that the Trudeau feds openly discriminated against Canadians who chose not to get the jabs, notably “on the grounds of genetic characteristics and religion.”
“The Plaintiffs plead that the Defendants (the federal government) committed the tort of misfeasance in public office by deliberately conducting themselves unlawfully in the exercise of their public functions,” the lawsuit reads.
Read the Full story: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/700-jab-free-canadians-join-class-action-suit-against-trudeau-govt-over-covid-mandates/
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