Θέμα 1 υγεία - κορόνας Για να συμμετάσχετε στις έννομες δράσεις με τον Καρδιολόγο Γεώργιο Καρυστινό και τον Πανελλήνια Ένωση Καταναλωτών Ωμέγα Ισονομία επισκεφτείτε: https://pekoonline.com/ Το σύνολο της ενημέρωσης είναι περίπου 2 ώρες θα χωριστεί σε 6 έως 10 σκέλη. ...
Dr Andrew Hill Is Advisor to Hilton’s Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, both organizations that have invested heavily in Vaccines. Basically, Dr Andrew Hill works for Pharmaceutical companies. How, on earth, did Word Health Organization want an independent ...
Swansea University Covid Smart Vaccine booster will be ready 2024 / 2025 if you don’t take your yearly booster you lose your vaccination passport: https://freedragon.uk/swansea-university-smart-vaccine/ Swansea University smart vaccine is look like Bill Gates Patent number is WO2019/018301 Microneedle tattoo patches. ...
This morning I spoke up for the people who have suffered adverse events from Covid vaccines. It’s bad enough people weren’t given a choice, which is their right. But it’s downright inhumane to force someone to take a second shot ...
United we stand divided we fall You are not alone Millions of Us fighting for our kids join Us 30 October 2021 London and on other City’s across Britain protest to take our freedom back. You will never see this ...
Watch video on Telegram Watch video on Facebook 🔴You have to share far and wide they murdering people 🔴 Dr. Daniel Nagase’s video from October 1, 2021 at the observing of the Nuremberg Trials in Vancouver.India and all around the world ...
Millions people suffered damage from this vaccines.Why the main stream media and the Government censoring vaccine damage stories? They working for the people or the big Pharma?For more vaccine damage stories go to the following page:https://www.c19vaxreactions.com/real-video-stories.html Read the story on Fox ...
To view, the W.H.O report click the following link: http://vigiaccess.org/ Go to the bottom of the page tick the box that you agree on terms and conditions. Type on the search bar: covid-19 vaccine Make sure to write it exactly ...
To download and see the report visit the Government Office for National Statistics click the following link: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusenglandI believe these statistics are meant to be confusing.Bill Gates in 2015 promote a vaccine book, a not eating meat book and How ...
Sir Cristopher Chope MP says covid vaccines are the most dangerous in history.He said that only with the citizen yellow card report, without having the NHS report in hand.Marcus Fysh MP calling the Chief Medical Officer to resign what this ...
JCVI issues updated advice on COVID-19 vaccination of children aged 12 to 15 Click the link below :https://www.gov.uk/government/news/jcvi-issues-updated-advice-on-covid-19-vaccination-of-children-aged-12-to-15Before you give your kid the emergency approved covid vaccine check the Citizen Yellow card Report. Click the link below https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions Sir Christophers Chope ...
Sir Christopher Chope is been silenced from mainstream media why? ...
BBC interview https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-55548670Swansea University official page www.swansea.ac.uk 2021 If you don’t have the Covid vaccine you can’t work in a care home.2023 if you don’t have smart vaccine ….. The first coronavirus vaccine ‘smart patch’ is being developed at Swansea ...
Click the link below and read in total over 1.2 million side effects (adverse reactions) have been reported:https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting#annex-1-vaccine-analysis-profileDownload the full report documents PDFs from: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactionsIf you don’t want to read the above 250 pages report. News channel UKCOLUMN did the ...
My parents taught me to be a good person in the Book of Taldum teaching the opposite. What if every crisis we are facing is orchestrated? Cloward -Piven strategy from 1966 expains everithing is happening today. Is it a coincidence? ...
One more example of how the mainstream media kills people. They have to face justice On Friday last week the Court of Appeal made a significant ruling that upheld a previous High Court judgement that the New Zealand Defence Force's ...
99% of the UK government has to face justice for mass murder. New disease white blood clots 20% of the vaccinated have these blood clots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z06xBRCwGp0&t=157s ...
Download the PDF from Cambridge Uni read page 1 and 2: https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/items/33aaf353-b7de-45b0-9c40-5f62975b2127 Visit the website UK FIRES:Absolute Zero The Australian Government is proposing meat imports from Canada. 14,000km across the world when Australia has the most productive farmland. Executive SummaryWe ...
I talk to people about political corruption, wars, pandemics climate change, and the first thing they reply to me is I can do nothing I am too small or some other hopeless answer. Is a very easy way to battle ...
2021 ALBERTA COURT ADMITED THE COVID VIRUS NEVER BEEN ISULATED DOWNLOAD THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE COURT CASE PDF There are some factual things I would say are wrong about this court case being the determining factor of Alberta pulling back ...
5G FREEDOM INFORMATION REQUESTS About 200 Freedom Information Requests for 5G in the UK. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/search/5g%20health%20risk/all 5G DANGEROUS OR NOT FARADAY CAGE CAN BLOCK IT 20%-100% DEPENDS ON YOUR BUDGET OR APPLICATION. FARADAY CAGE CAN PROTECT YOU FROM TESLA COIL How ...
Visit Australian Govorment page: https://haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au/canada-as-an-applicant-country-for-the-import-of-fresh-beef The Australian Government is proposing opening up the country to meat imports from Canada.Why would we ever need to ship meat 14,000km across the world when Australia has the most productive farmland, producing the best ...
The mass murderers have to face Justice Click on the document and dowload the full updated letter (Google Docs) it is updated daily. My Name is Katon Bouzalakos 2021 Swansea West Candidate This is Notice of Intended Prosecution for Mass murder of ...
Press conference on the letter from EMA, by Forum for Democracy in the European Parliament 5 minutes and 55 seconds in to the video they starting to speak english. before that has subtitles. ...
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