3 Judge Court In Peru Rules COVID-19 Pandemic Started By Bill Gates, George Soros And Rockefeller

On December 21, 2020, a three judge Peruvian court declared that the coronavirus pandemic was started by billionares Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller, ironically known as the Good Club – who want to save the world.


The resolution maintains that the criminal process was stopped because of the covid-19, so that it had an “unpredictable” nature, except for its creators “who handled it and continue to direct it with extreme secrecy within their environments and world corporations, with projections to the 2030 project.

As reported by the official Peruvian legal news service lpderecho citing the court order dated December 21, 2020

Read the full story on:https://greatgameindia.com/peru-court-bill-gates-george-soros/