In the following video, Edwin Black answers questions, I do not agree with everything he says. He claims that 75% of hospitalizations are unvaccinated, this is false.
And I don’t agree about vaccines are effective with just a few deaths, probably did not read the VEARS Reporting system.
Overall I respect his views and I believe some of the things he said are very important.
Edwin Black’s eleven award-winning bestselling books are IBM and the Holocaust (2001 & 2012), Financing the Flames (2013), British Petroleum and the Redline Agreement (2011), The Farhud (2010), Nazi Nexus (2009), The Plan (2008), Internal Combustion (2006), Banking on Baghdad (2004), War Against the Weak (2003 and 2012), The Transfer Agreement (1984 and 2009), and a 1999 novel, Format C:. His enterprise and investigative writings have appeared in scores of newspapers from the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune to the Sunday Times of London, Frankfurter Zeitung and the Jerusalem Post, as well as scores of magazines as diverse as Sports Illustrated, Reform Judaism, Der Spiegel, L’Express, BusinessWeek and American Bar Association Journal. Black’s articles are syndicated worldwide.
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