Its tracking technology logs the times at which users move from one location to another, and can even tell when they get into and out of cars. Google even collects data that has been produced by Android smartphones while they’ve ...

Anna De Buisseret comments on the UK police force’s denial that any criminal investigation into the COVID injection was taking place, followed by their admittance that the investigation actually did take place, but that they found no evidence of wrong ...

15 February 2022 Simon Jacquelyn and Katon served Bridgend Police station with the above documents. We hope Police do their job and save people from our tyrannical government. Click the following link to read some of the documents ...

Most of the time the Brave governments give guns to the people to fight their wars. They stay a safe distance away. History lesson about genocides after governments ordered gun control. ...

CALLING ALL FREE PEOPLEIt doesn’t matter if you are right or left if you are Labour or Conservative or Liberal democrat.WHAT MATTERS IS WE ARE LOSING OUR LOVED ONES AND OUR FREEDOMS not because you are right nor because you ...

Please watch the full video. We have to involve in politics or we are doomed to live under medical tyranny forever. Watch and follow Tucker Carlson on Facebook some times he nails it. If you want to involve with ...

Monday the 7th of February 2022 at 14.00 hours. Independent forensic report arranged and provided by some fantastic Lawyers and retired Police Constables Download the full 38 pages report PDF document on: Note the ingredients of concern. This evidence ...

Daily expose breaking down all the details about deaths from vaccine batch numbers on the following link: 12 minutes and 30 seconds into the following covid batch deaths were explained.  Check the full report on the following website ...

What is the differences between  “Died with Covid” VS “Died from Covid” check the Office for National Statistics and spot the differences click the link: Office for National Statistics Check the Damage of covid vaccines on Yellow card click the link: ...