Daily expose breaking down all the details about deaths from vaccine batch numbers on the following link: dailyexpose.uk 12 minutes and 30 seconds into the following banned.video covid batch deaths were explained.  Check the full report on the following website howbadismybatch.com ...

What is the differences between  “Died with Covid” VS “Died from Covid” check the Office for National Statistics and spot the differences click the link: Office for National Statistics Check the Damage of covid vaccines on Yellow card click the link: ...

To read the report visit the official page: https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/covid19deathsandautopsiesfeb2020todec2021Dailyexpose breaking down the story on the following page: https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/20/ons-admits-just-6k-covid-deaths-since-feb-20/The following video Nigel Farage is surprised about the “from covid death number” vs “With covid death number” watch it on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=459775635724109 ...

ivermectin had to be smuggled in chocolate into North Devon District Hospital, Barnstaple to save this woman’s life. She had been on CPAP mask ventilation with possible need for intubation. To read the full story click: https://www.brighteon.com/d4731501-e9a2-4647-8f1a-471961a79d29 ...

~Sir Christopher Chope MPThere’s a lot more damage being done to our citizens as a result of COVID-19 vaccinations than any other vaccination program in history.’Timeline of CorruptionJuly 7th – Sir Christophers Chope MP requested from Matt Hancock on record ...

Pfizer’s COVID vaccine trial results; are these statistics “acceptable”?Absolutely not. They wouldn’t be acceptable for any medication brought to market, this magnitude of side effects, 31% either died, had permanent disability or were not recovered. It’s insane that at the ...

Google turned to dictator one ring to rule them all. If the movie Terminator becomes true in the future google will be Skynet. Google is nice for shopping, maps, entertainment but they censor very important information and track your internet ...

Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21. International Criminal Court (The Hague) case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court. The UK police accepted the supporting information and ...

Claim £120.000 from covid vaccine damage.  Have as many health tests as possible before and after the vaccine. One good test for micro blood clots is D-dimer to prove that you have been healthy. Take private health insurance before the ...

We are so lucky our government is willing to pay for any side effects from the covid vaccine if you can prove that you have a side effect or death from it and go through the Vaccine Damage Payments Act ...